Mastering the reverse logistics challenge
Optimising your processes to deliver speed, integration, and value
27 March | 11am GMT | Online​
Getting the reverse logistics process right is crucial in the increasingly competitive e-commerce marketplace – not only are reverse logistics processes vital to building customer loyalty, they also offers opportunities to unlock additional value from an efficient use of returns and to meet sustainability goals by recycling or refurbishing faulty products.
Whilst returns is not a ‘new’ thing, its fast becoming a mainstream focus area for major carriers, 3PLs and retailers as they look to optimise processes, and innovation in returns is at an all time high with new market entrants and some of the major enterprise technology players starting to show their hand in an area previously reserved for specialist technology players.
This webinar offers an in-depth discussion with senior leaders from major carriers, 3PLs and retailers on how to build effective reverse logistics and the advantages this unlocks in reducing costs and meeting shifting customer demands. Those working in areas related to reverse logistics – including returns, innovation, digital, transformation, sustainability, e-commerce – won’t want to miss this unique discussion.
- The shifting landscape: how are the challenges and opportunities around reverse logistics changing?
- Turning returns from a cost into a competitive advantage: where can data intelligence be deployed to optimise processes, cut costs, and increase customer satisfaction?
- How can the refurbishment and repair process be improved to facilitate more efficient reselling?
- Where can automation and AI be most effectively deployed to optimise inventory management?
- Predicting rather than reacting: how can data analytics be used to anticipate possible returns and plan ahead?
- Data is king: how can customer data be best gathered and integrated across silos to facilitate process optimisation?
- Where are the clearest opportunities to more seamlessly coordinate forward and reverse logistics?
Panellists include:
Mike Richmond
Vice President
Blue Yonder
About Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder is the world leader in digital supply chain transformation. Retailers, manufacturers and logistics service providers worldwide rely on Blue Yonder to optimize and accelerate their supply chain from planning through fulfillment, delivery, and returns. Blue Yonder’s AI-driven supply chain platform and multi-enterprise, multi-tier network enable more accurate forecasting and dynamic management of capacity, inventory and transport. Blue Yonder helps businesses navigate modern supply chain complexity and volatility with more resilient, sustainable supply chains to delight customers, scale profitably, and run flawlessly. blueyonder.com