Stephen began his career with Royal Mail in Legal Services, but gave up being a lawyer back in 2001 when he moved to become Strategy Director within Royal Mail Marketing.
In 2003 Stephen took over the role of Director Strategy & Regulatory Affairs, which was a new role resulting from the merger of the Group Strategy and Group Regulation departments. The position involved leading for Royal Mail on all dealings with Postcomm and Postwatch, including the 2006 Price Control.
In 2004 Stephen concluded negotiations with UK Mail, TNT and others for downstream access to Royal Mail’s delivery network in the UK. Building on that experience, in March 2006 the Wholesale business was set up as an independent business unit and Stephen took over as Managing Director, Royal Mail Wholesale. During his time there RM Wholesale grew to over 7 billion items per annum.
Towards the end of 2010 Stephen was appointed Director Regulated Business, where he was responsible for the Regulated Products portfolio (essentially all RM Letters products) and most recently to Managing Director, Consumer & Network Access where part of his remit once again encompasses the Wholesale customers. Stephen reports direct to Moya Greene and is a member of the Chief Executive’s Committee.
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